Prototype Parachutes
Theodore "Red" Hulsizer's collection of
experimental, prototype parachutes
he made as a civilian at Wright-Patterson Air
Force Base in Dayton, Ohio.
Theodore "Red" Hulsizer worked at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base as a civilian from 1941 to
1973. He started as a leather and canvas worker doing detail work in the planes the "top brass" used during
World War II. On January 9, 1949, he officially transferred to the
parachute division as "Initial Parachute Manufacturer". Click here to see his promotion notice.
On March 19, 1950, he was redesignated as "Prototype Parachute Manufacturer".
Click here to see his Change In Designation
notice. Red didn't design parachutes. He made them. He
quit school in 9th grade (1919) and his mom taught him to sew, so he could get a job inside, out of the
weather. He did a variety of sewing jobs before WWII. Parachutes were fairly easy for him, so
when someone had a new design, he made and tested the first parachute at 1/12 scale, from 6
inches to 30 inches in diameter. He enjoyed making the small ones and no one else really did, so he
made almost all of them. When they were done testing them, he was allowed to keep them. We
verified this with the National Museum of the United States Air Force in Dayton, Ohio back in
1998. They cataloged them at the museum for two weeks, then curator Charles G. Worman gave us
this note when they returned them:

We've been told Red's collection of 31
model parachutes includes every major refinement of parachute technology, including the first ram air
parachute. These parachutes span the early refinements of DaVinci's original design, drag chutes and
ribbon chutes made from Nazi designs, early round controllable chutes, the Mercury, Gemini and Apollo
missions and working with Domina
Jalbert developing the first working model
of the "Jalbert parafoil" (177.30). The parafoil is considered to be the only revolutionary redesign of the parachute since DaVinci
invented them. Grandpa told me "that crazy kitemaker" was constantly looking over his shoulder and talking to
him while he was making it. Domina knew it needed to be perfect and it
is. It was the model for the first
large parafoil, which Red made for the U. S. Air Force at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. A
video of Red & Bill holding the parafoil and Red saying it is the first working
model parafoil ever made is on the Parachute History page. Pictures of test flights of
the first large parafoil made from this design are there, too. We also have four Jalbert kites
developed for an Air Force project on the east coast.
We have donated all but parachutes 177.15 and 177.30 (the
parafoil) to the National Museum of the
United States Air Force in Dayton, OH, USA, along with the kites, all of Red's photos, tools and
other artifacts. With any luck, they will all be on display together, including the two we kept (on
loan), when their new addition opens in 2014.
We would like to add the history of each parachute to
this website. If you know anything about any of these parachutes, we would really like to hear from
you. Please email Bill at
with any info you may know. We will note on the site who contributed each
flew all of the parachutes in a "wind tunnel" on
Friday, October 9, 2009 and the amazing pictures & videos are
here on the Photos and Videos pages, with all the history of them that we know. Enjoy your visit
The Hulsizer Family

Theodore "Red" and Sarah Luella (Greene)